Faculty Of Post Graduate Education

33 professors and Doctors of Sciences and 163 Candidates of Sciences including 80 assistant professors are working at the faculty.

Faculty departments combine 17 scientific directions and specialties of medicine and pharmaceutics. 14 of them have their own scientific-educational schools that have prepared 52 Doctors and 229 Candidates of Sciences.

The department staff is working upon scientific developments together with foreign partners. 8 scientific-educational faculty workers are members of international associations and societies and their executive committees, 14 – of European ones. Seven scientific workers are full members of New-York academy of sciences.

Fees ($ US per one Academic Year)

Klinichna Ordynatura

  • Ukrainian language - 3.000
  • Russian language - 3.000

The faculty of the postgraduate education was organized in 1955.

It includes three sub departments: the internship (of the primary specialization), the sub department of the professional development and retraining of specialists and the sell-accounting department.

The main tasks of the faculty in the sphere of educational activity are:

  • Primary specialization of graduates of higher educational medical (pharmaceutic) institutions of the III and IV accreditation levels during the internship
  • Diving to doctors or pharmaceutists of the educational-qualification level of specialist the Master’s degree of medi-cine (pharmaceutics) during the internship in a certain specialty
  • Retraining of doctors (pharmaceutists) with awarding the title of doctor (pharmaceutist) – specialist having the second specialty (secondary specialization)
  • Professional development of doctors’ (pharmaceutists’) cycles of the thematic training and pre attestation cycles
  • Probation of doctors (pharmaceutists) who had a break in their practical activity who didn’t go through the attesta-tion on time
  • Giving help to institutions of health protection in their efforts to provide a continuous postgraduate education.

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